Friday 11 September 2009

Example of a Lesson Plan

Animal and Nature
Level: Form 4 (Intermediate)
Topic: Animal Characteristics
Theme: Environment
Time: (40 Minutes)

Language content: Adjectives
Aims: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to improve their writing skills by using the information that they can get from the website and should be able to describe the characteristics of the animals using adjectives.

Technical requirement:
a) Three students per-computer
b) Internet connection and web browser

a) Teacher browses the to learn more about it and generate a lesson from the information obtained.
b) Teacher focuses more on the amazing animal section and generates work sheets from the information gathered.

Set Induction (5 Minutes)
1) Teacher talks about random animals with the students.
2) Teacher asks a few random students to give a few examples of animals and describe their characteristics using adjectives.
3) Teacher reveals the topic of the day which is to write an essay using adjectives.

Task 1 (15 Minutes)
1) Teacher asks students to sit in a group of three and choose one computer for each group.
2) Teacher asks students to browse and explore the website.
3) Teacher asks students to focus on the amazing animal section.
4) Teacher distributes the work sheet and explains to the students what they should do.
5) Students need to match each of the characteristics of the animal that stated in the boxes with the right animal.
6) Teacher observes and assists students whilethey complete the task.

Task 2 (15 Minutes)
1) Teacher asks students to create their own circus by stating what kind of animal that they would like to have in their circus. They need to choose at least five animals.
2) Teacher asks students to write down simple sentences about the animals that they chose for their circus. Students need to use the adjectives given in the box to describe the animals that they chose.
3) Teacher guides students while they completing the tasks.
4) Teacher discusses the answers with the class and makes corrections for any mistakes that occur.

Conclusion (5 Minutes)
1) Teacher recaps the lesson.
2) Teacher inculcates moral values.
Follow-up Activity: Teacher asks students to prepare a presentation slides using the information that they had wrote in tasks two and they will present it in next class.

Self Reflection:

Supervisor’s Comments:


k-role said...

Is it because of this LP is not interesting enough that nobody want to leave a comment. Oh Lord have mercy on me!! (>_<)

nico izzat said...

ok, I'll do it...

1. love the website!!! it's attractive, colorful and informative and the language is simple so it can attract the weaker students...
2. I love the idea of building a circus because it promotes critical thinking and expand their imagination...

p/s: i'll come to your circus provided that you don't have any clowns... (you know kan why)

AhUy said...

wuhuuu..brilliant!the website is so interesting. i love it!even though i've never been to a circus, but i've seen it many times in the movie. by giving the students to deco their own circus is a genius idea- as you can see many 'crazy ideas' i guess. i like your LP. however, the time allocate for the lesson is too short, if you do it in double period it should be okay. i love it!

Fattah Ghani said...

Whoa what a freaky circus the students are going to have! You certainly make good use of the endless time you spent on Facebook applications, haha. Like the others, I love the website. Colourful and easy to comprehend. Guess it can be catered to the weaker students, then. Your worksheets are also interesting, but I don't think the lesson can be done fully in one period. Tambah tolak students fooling around, possible technical malfunctions, etc2. An overall good LP

Amy Ash said...

Actually, I wanted to leave a comment earlier but there was an internet connection problem during the day. So here goes..

I like the fact that you used this circus website to be integrated in your LP. How on earth did you find it?! Anyways, I think it is interesting that they get to create their own circus (I hope they exclude clowns!) because not many students probably have been to one and this is to create their own experience of being in one. Well done! ;-)

femme said...

circus???never thought of it huhu nice is let the students to apply their CCTS.

syaza said...

who says it's not interesting?i like this LP.cos we normally focus on nature and environment.we hardly focus on using this activity we can construct their creativity.the worksheet really grabs attention.however,i think it needs to be done in double period cos i am sure students are really excited to do this:)

.::Hani in D Major::. said...

same with others..i also think time allocated for your lesson should be 80 mins :)

wHite-DeViL said...

love the website. the students will definitely have a blast with it. nice one.

Koteru Daigo said...

Usually form 4 students won't be interested in talking about animals in class. that's usually for the younger students...BUT...your lesson may succeed in making them actually 'participate' in the lesson...i like your style brother! haha